Phawrongula Wiki

Ad himinem - Argumentum ad himinem is an attempt to link the truth of a claim to a negative characteristic or belief of the person advocating it. Closely related to ad hominem, literal Latin “to the man”, this is instead “to the male” and removes gender ambiguity. It is however equally applicable to females who inexplicably defend argument as though cum testiculis, or seek to defend indefensible and erroneous male perspectives. Antonym to ad feminam.

Baboon - Regular participant in any of the Baboon Boards.

Baboon Board(s) - When used in singular, refers to Pharyngula, home of the Naked Emperor. In plural form, refers to Free Thought Blogs (FTB), sometimes referred to as Free From Thought Blogs (FFTB).

Cunt - The most offensive word in the history of history. See also: Cunt - It's Just a Word.

ERV - Blog run by Abbie Smith. Sometimes refers to the monument.

FFTB - FreeFromThoughtBlogs

Monument - The endless thread on ERV. Considered by Abbie to be her monument to free speech.

Naked Emperor - PZ Myers.

New, New Atheism - a retrograde, reactionary neopuritanism that is as noxious as any brand of communist or fascist groupthink you'd care to name. These are modern witch hunters wanting to burn people at the stake for language. They are only freethinkers in being free-from-thought and have bugger all in common with their Enlightenment fore-parentoids.

PeeZus - Pronounced as in Jesus. Refers to PZ Myers. See also: Naked Emperor.

Queen Bee - Rebecca Watson.

Reductio ad Watsonum - A fallacy of irrelevance, closely related to reductio ad Hitlerum and reductio ad absurdum. The suggested logic is one of guilt by association, that only rapists are capable of thinking in a manner such as that of the target of the fallacy, therefore the target must be a rapist or a rape apologist.

Slime pit - See ERV.

Twatson - Refers to Rebecca Watson. Usage may cause baboon heads to explode.
