Welcome to the Phawrongula Wiki
Keeping track of the charlatans who are poisoning secularism.
About the Phawrongula Wiki
The Phawrongula Wiki is a resource for documenting systemic fact distortion and historical revision by self-described freethinkers and secularists who are actively harming freethought and secular communities in the pursuit of self-interest and ideology.
Please stick to basic facts and leave the colorful language and editorializing for elsewhere. Only fully verified and referenced information will be accepted. Please see the editors' README and post any other queries on the main talk page. If you are shy and/or intimidated by the editing interface you may submit articles via the web form.
- Freethoughtblogs timeline
- Glossary
- Editors' README
- Talk:Phawrongula @Slyme Pit
- Ad Hominem Fallacy
- Argumentum ad bingo fallacy
- Argumentum ad defectum tempus
- Atheism+
- Atheism+ Moderator Meltdown
- Attacks on Ben Radford
- Attacks on D.J. Grothe
- Attacks on Penn Jillette
- Attacks on Stef McGraw
- Attacks: Using DMCA to harrass/silence critics
- Cast of characters
- Classic Quotes
- Comment tampering and other revisionism
- Courtier's Reply
- Criticism from outside the atheist and skeptic communities
- Cunt - It's Just a Word
- Cunt - The evolution
- Cyberstalking the InZvanity
- Denialism: Watson call For Dawkins Boycott "Never Happened"
- D.J. Grothe - Quantifying the "Misogyny"
- Essential Hypocrisy of PeeZus - Part 1
- Extortion In Lieu Of Discussion
- "Get Over It" - Generating Publicity Via USA TODAY
- Great Fish Massacre
- [Greg Laden_vs._Abbie_Smith]
- Greg Laden: Man of Mystery
- Greta Christina-isms
- Hagiography of "Amina A."
- Hate talk leading to violence talk
- Historical Revisionism
- Listen-To-The-Assertion Fallacy
- Male privilege
- Michele Bachmann Hotdog Incident
- Myers' Law
- Natalie Reed
- Ophelia Benson and "Epistemic Relativism"
- Ophelia Benson inventing terms of abuse to add color to her exaggerations
- Ophelia Benson: TAM is like Nazi Germany
- Ophelia Benson's not-response to Paula Kirby's Open Letter.
- Parallel Logic
- Pharyngula Endorsing Censorship
- Pharyngula's Superstitions and Rituals
- Presumption of Guilt without evidence by default
- Rebecca Watson
- Richard Dawkins' EG Comments at Pharyngula
- Secular Blacklisting
- Secular Shunning
- Shunning Tools: Accusations Of Psychiatric Derangement
- Skepchick unauthorised usage of media for profit
- Strange Sally Strange
- TAM 2012 T-Shirt Manufacturversy
- "Threats" against Ophelia Benson
- Thunderf00t - "Freethought Blogs and PC Lyers"
- Trivialization of Male Circumcision
- Witch of the Week