More or less the freethoughtblogs equivalent of a Papal edict that shall not be contradicted. The fallacy is structured as follows -
- I believe p.
- You deny p.
- Take a brief moment to listen and apologise.
- Therefore p.
This fallacy is an unspoken rule of law, but it can be found honestly articulated in the following extract of one of the FFTB comments policies -
- If you’re called out on something like cissexism, racism, sexism, homophobia or whatever, please try not to get defensive or interpret it as a personal attack. Instead, try to listen to others and understand where they’re coming from. A whole lot of drama and nastiness can be avoided with simply being prepared to take a brief moment to listen, or offering a simple apology.
The same page also lists a perfect practical example -
- I hate it when people go on and on about how neutral cunt and twat are; and I take tranny to be pretty near the same thing. Once can be a cultural miscommunication; but anybody who insists on it, once informed of its US meaning, is a self-centred arsehole and should fuck back off to r/atheism or ERV’s slimepit.
(Yes, we know - it's a great example of the usual cultural imperialism too)